Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Learning Science, Mathematics and Technology with Children's Essay

Learning Science, Mathematics and Technology with Children's Engagement in Play - Essay Example It will be learned that Science, Math and Technology concepts and skills are acquired while children engage in play. Math and Science are all around. Children usually see numbers on television channels, telephones, their house numbers, on tag prices, etc. They may also witness their mothers in the kitchen as they cook following recipes that specify the measured ingredients. Science is likewise ever-present as they discover how things work, observe change in things, use their senses in learning about their world. Technology is likewise accessible to them. This is not limited to what most adults know about technology as electronic gadgets or computerized contraptions. Technology includes processes people use to solve a problem deliberately. Adults should respect how young children want to try their hand in working with technology (Mortlock, 2005). It is for the children to discover how technology will work for them and make tasks more convenient such as using cups or buckets in the san dbox to create more defined mounds of sand instead of just a hump they shape out of their hands. The following will discuss how science, math and technology interplay in the messy play of infants, sand play of toddlers and block play of pre-schoolers. These activities come naturally for children that they do not need any specific instructions from adults. Messy But Busy Babies† In the Stages of Cognitive Development of Piaget, children from 0 – 2 years of age belong to the Sensorimotor Stage. This period is characterized by interactions with the environment based on the child’s reception of sensory input and muscular reactions. The task of this period is to develop the concept of object permanence, the idea that objects exist even when they cannot be seen or heard. (Brewer, 2001). Infants are sensorial learners and they are awed by the possibilities of the objects around them. When they engage in messy play, they get to touch things and feel its textures, see the object up close so details may be inspected. They even get to smell or in most cases, taste objects because it is in their nature to learn about things by putting it in their mouths. Science is at work when they notice changes in things, such as when a drop of paint blots on the paper when an object passes on it. They also get to notice tracks or prints of objects such as car wheels or rollers when these make impressions with paint on paper. They learn math when they see the colors and shapes of the toys they play with and get to feel the dimensions of shapes when they touch these with their hands. They would know that circles have no angles and that squares have 4 sides. When they are handed things like sponges or small rubber stamps for printing, they realize that these may serve as technology to leave imprints when dipped in paint. Allowed to explore paints and things during messy play gives them several learning opportunities about how things work in the world and what they can do with these things to cause an effect such as rolling a plastic care over paint and seeing the tracks they can make from it. Curious Tykes in the Sandbox Toddlers continue to enjoy sensorial play and they love playing with open-ended materials such as sand and water. They learn many scientific concepts with sand. Pouring various amounts of water on sand creates different textures and this dictates how firm the sand will mold into the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Essay on Mobile Revolution Essay Example for Free

Essay on Mobile Revolution Essay Mobiles are no more a luxury or a life style product. Mobile phones, which were one of the beautiful possessions of anybody not until a decade ago, have now become a necessity to the common man. The entry of private service providers with CTMA, GSM and of course, 3G technologies has changed the Communication sector in India beyond imagination. Many new competitors have entered the mobile market resulting in reduction of the STD rates and Local call rates. Plans are also on anvil to enable mobile users to switch over to other service providers without changing their number, also called Mobile Number Portability (MNP). The mobile users in India have increased tremendously during the last decade. Youth, both in rural and urban India, have welcomed and accepted mobiles with open hands. The decrease in call rates can be imagined from the fact that it cost around? 16 per minute when mobiles were introduced in India and today it costs as little as 1 paisa per 2 seconds offered by companies like MTS. Even the size of mobile phones has changed to an unimaginable level. They have become very handy today compared to their walkie-talkie resemblance when they were introduced. The immense benefit offered by a mobile has triggered this revolution. With a mobile phone in hand, one can be available round the clock, and can get the up-to-date information on anything. The availability of internet on mobile phones has increased its utility tremendously. It has made mobile phones, to an extent, an essential item for carrying out a business transaction. The facility of sending short messages or pictures enables a person to send the message across without actually bothering to disturb the other person. For traders, it helps them get the price details of any products without even bringing the products to the market. The introduction of mobile banking helps people carry their bank in their mobile. Some people even carry their office in their mobile phones. However, mobile phones also have some demerits as they can be used to detonate bombs. Some instruments which have cameras in them can be used for taking unnecessary photographs. Constant use of mobile phones may create health problems and increase risk of accidents on road. In spite of these demerits, mobile phones are becoming popular day-by-day as their advantages fairly outweigh the demerits. In fact, the mobile revolution has occurred very fast in India. This symbolizes the countrys transformation from an inward looking tentative nature to a confident and resurgent global economic power. The mobile phone service providers have also increased manifold during the years. Some of the important market players are: Aircel, Airtel, BSNL, MTNL, Idea Cellular, Tata Indicom, Tata DoCoMo, Reliance Communications, Virgin Mobile, Vodafone, Videocon Telecommunications, MTS India and Spice Telecom. Even in rural India, mobile phone has brought a tremendous change to rural telephony, marginalizing the middlemen and empowering women, strengthened by the formation of self-help groups. It has vastly improved access to information and helped in the explosive growth in connectivity. Even at sea, fishermen in Kerala use the mobiles to keep track of rates for their catch in the market. The improvement in infrastructure and support from the Government has acted as a catalyst for mobiles to make tremendous inroads into rural India. The role of mobile telephones are varied, in that, they help assess the market information, coordinate travel and transport, manage remote activities and increase the remunerative working days. As a result, the rural marketing scenario has also undergone a change. Today, the rural consumer is better informed and price conscious. The total mobile penetration is increasing at a quick pace with companies like Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Reliance Communications, Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, Tata Teleservices, etc. aving unveiled big network expansion plans and innovative marketing strategies specially tailored region-wise. Some of these companies are using a door-to-door marketing strategy in villages and B and C category census towns. They are involving members of gram panchayats and trained market-feelers to make residents aware of the usefulness of mobile telephony and how the system of pre-paid refills work. Handset manufacturers too are gearing up with Nokia incorporating nine Indian languages on certain handsets to promote sales. Value-for- money handsets priced between 1,000 and 1,400 with a plethora of tariff plans to choose from is also one of the reasons for driving subscription growth in these regions. Handsets are being imported in bulk by some service providers. It is expected that voice short messaging service will become a focus area in future, especially in rural areas and service providers are already planning implementation of the same. The pace at which mobile revolution has occurred in India can be attributed to the easy to understand operations. For an illiterate, mobiles phones were so easy to operate that they needed to understand only two buttons the green button for answering a call and the red button for disconnecting a call. Everything else can be learnt with usage and passage of time. Even today, most of the mobiles are used on this two button principle, which makes it a popular device. Gone are the days when people use to queue up before a Public Call Office (PCO) and wait their turn for an hour, only to end up without connectivity. Mobile phones have also removed the necessity to remember telephone numbers of other people. In-built phone books in the instruments enable a person to call the other person, without ever having to remember the other persons number. Actually, mobile phones have become an all-in-one tool in the pocket, which has replaced even the old pocket diary. It is also slowly replacing purse, with the introduction of mobile transactions. No wonder, life without mobile phones have become unimaginable and unthinkable to many.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

jacksonian man of parts :: essays research papers

The recent International Poe conference saw a number of panels and individual presentations dedicated to examining the author’s works in their social and historical contexts, suggesting that contemporary Poe criticism is moving in a cultural direction long overlooked by scholars and critics. With no less than two full panels devoted specifically to issues of race in Poe’s writing, and other papers addressing issues of cultural identity, gender politics, Poe’s relationship to American literary nationalism, and the author’s ties to both antebellum society and Jacksonian democracy, this conference provided overwhelming evidence of a current desire to emplace Poe more specifically within his cultural and historical milieu. In a broader sense, such attention to the historical and cultural dynamics of Poe’s writing suggests increased attention of late to Poe’s own Americanness. This critical trend toward assessing Poe as a distinctly American writ er has, of course, also informed such excellent recent works as Terence Whalen’s Edgar Allan Poe and the Masses (1999) and the essays collected by Shawn Rosenheim and Stephen Rachman in The American Face of Edgar Allan Poe (1995). This paper represents an attempt to further such inquiry into the American â€Å"face† of Poe by examining the ways in which Poe’s unfortunately neglected tale â€Å"The Man that Was Used Up† complicates the author’s position in relation to American racial and national politics. One of Poe’s most biting satirical pieces, this tale raises vexing questions regarding the connections between matters of race, masculinity, and national identity as these concepts were imagined and constructed in Jacksonian America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A minor tale in the canon of Poe’s short fiction, â€Å"The Man That Was Used Up† was first published in the August, 1839 issue of Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine and subsequently revised and published twice more in Poe’s lifetime, first in Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1840), and, finally, in the 9 August 1845 issue of the Broadway Journal. In this odd story, which chronicles the compromised stature of a military hero of the Indian Wars, Poe makes what would seem to be one of his most scathing, if indirect, commentaries on contemporary American politics. Specifically, the tale evokes the troubled relationship between the oppressive racial policies of the United States in the Age of Jackson and the burgeoning sense of national purpose and unity embodied in the figure of the robust, heroic, Jacksonian â€Å"self-made man.† Composed at a time when the United States was embroiled in the Second Seminole War (1835-42), am ong the longest and costliest of the Indian Wars, the story positions its central figure, Brevet Brigadier General John A.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay on national service program

The National Service Program proposal by the US congress once heard will immediately pose a lot of questions. But many of those questions have been answered by the different corps that has been providing utmost help to those who need. Through the National Service Program, public schools would be able to provide the education every child needs, the quality of life improved by providing easy and fast access to public health, providing food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, environment conservation and protection, care giving to the elders and being there when a community experiences such devastating calamites and disasters like hurricanes, flooding and such terror activities. Most of the time, people would be willing to extend their service, but sometimes they just don’t know where or how (McCain, 2001).With the proposal, almost every single American would be able to show their patriotism to the country. A lot of opportunities to serve others are present, and still many ar e not doing a thing. By providing means on where one could serve, that way, he or she would be able to determine what service could be provided according to his or her knowledge, skills and abilities. Serving the country is not just about joining the army and being involved in wars over Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan. Fortunately, a lot of different corps is available depending on the mode of service they provide.The corp can be a group that can provide measures in making a community safe from any kind of crime and terrorists activities. The program also extends its help to countries in overseas by providing means in solving challenges for the development of a nation. Talents and skills are shared in this program for those who want to improve and further develop their capacities(Marshall, 2007). The service programs could be the key for students entering the college in choosing the career path they would be taking. A study has shown that students in high school that were engaged in a community service are more likely to finish college compared to those who have not joined such activity. Also, improvement in their reading skills, mathematics and science is evident(Roscow, 2007).Having a national service program instead of a voluntary or selective program will result into a lot of inevitable issues regarding freedom. Making or compelling the citizens to work for two years will greatly affect their lives. A family man working hard to raise his family would not have two years to serve others. He would of course be putting his family first before others. Or course the government cannot satisfy or at least provide the necessities that a family needs if their provider is gone and doing national service, would they?Two years of public service is too much, considering the fact that it would be full time. Another issue that would be raised is how the government would compel millions of citizens to do national service. Would there be laws that would prosecute a person if he or she did not perform the necessary tasks he or she is into? If so, would it not violate the rights and freedom of the general public? A lot of issues are needed to be considered before passing the proposal especially those ones that concerns the rights and freedom of every American citizen.The government alone cannot rely on the workforce is has. It needs more than it could have in providing services. As every American individual obtain the ever ending rights, entitlements and freedom, obligation to the nation lacks. And some don’t even know what really is their responsibility and obligation to their country. John Kennedy once told the country about not asking what a nation or a country do for them but it’s about doing something for the country (Healy, 2007). With the National Service Program, billion of hours of service could be provided in making a country far well-protected, stronger and a better place. It not only teaches patriotism but responsibility and comp assion as a whole. Not everyone could be called a hero like those that have saved lives or the war veterans in World War II, but by providing service to your fellow countrymen, you can be a their hero.Healy, A. L. Y. a. M. (2007). Citizenship means giving something back. THe Denver Post.Marshall, W. (2007). Ideas for national service that would benefit America. The Sacramento Bee.McCain, J. (2001). Putting the â€Å"National† in National Service [Electronic Version]. Washington Monthly. Retrieved July 1, 2007 from, D. (2007). Academic Performance Enhanced By High School Civic Engagement. CIRCLE.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Foreshadowing In “The Lottery” Essay

Shirley Jackson depicts a special day, June 27, in the lives of the inhabitants of a small, apparently serene village. The use of foreshadowing is applied extensively to hint to the reader that despite the seemingly festive occasion, there is something morbid about the lottery that causes the people of the town to be uneasy. Jackson foreshadows the ironic conclusion with specific examples and both ominous and tense diction. The earliest indication of the peculiarity of the day’s lottery is the little boys had â€Å"already stuffed [their] pockets full of stones† (422). One knows that a lottery in modern societies definitely does not involve rocks, so the idea that the town’s lottery is much different than the ones known in today’s world is introduced. The fact that the men who begin to gather for the lottery stand â€Å"away from the pile of stones† shows that the stones are not a jovial part of the day’s events (422). These examples give the reader the idea that there is something important, yet shady about the pile of rocks. And although the men told jokes, â€Å"they smiled rather than laughed† (422). If the lottery was a carefree event, the men would have had no problem with laughing. The description of the actions of the group of men creates the impression that the lottery is a serious event which is not about laughing matters. During the lottery, after most of the men had chosen and drawn their scrap of paper, they sat â€Å"turning them over and over nervously† (425). If the lottery was being conducted to give out some sort of reward or prize, they would have seemed eager, not nervous. Jackson also describes the way Mr. Summers and Mr. Adams grin at each other as â€Å"nervously† (425). The repetition of the word nervous reinforces that the lottery is not one of fun and games. In addition, Mrs. Dunbar’s anticipation for Mr. Summers to â€Å"hurry† shows that the lottery is not the type of occasion the people enjoy participating in and would rather get over with quickly (425). Therefore it is obvious that the lottery would not have a pleasant outcome. Instead, the lottery must have some sort of negative outcome that is serious enough to make the entire town nervous. The most significant sign of the abnormal nature of the lottery is the introduction of the â€Å"black box† (422). In most people’s minds the color black is associated with death. When it is revealed that there are scraps of paper in the box, the reader is also exposed to what the box is used for: to hold the papers which the villagers will draw. In essence, the connotation of the color black creates the impression that when the villagers draw from the box, they are drawing for a chance at death. This example foreshadows exactly what will happen when the story concludes. Next Jackson describes the lottery as being a â€Å"ritual† that once involved a â€Å"chant† (423). The connotation of these words also supports the idea that the lottery revolves around death. When one thinks of a ritual, pictures of Ancient Aztec or Mayan sacrifices come to mind. And when one thinks of chanting, images of hooded figures preparing someone for a sacrifice surface. So through the use of ominous nouns and adjectives, Jackson is explicitly stating what is going to happen as a result of the lottery; a human sacrifice is going to take place. Although as the story progresses there is more and more of a feeling of doom, the reader does not become acutely aware of what takes place after the lottery until Mrs. Hutchinson cowers in a corner with the mob approaching her. If one analyzes the color of the box and its purpose, it is possible to predict the outcome of the lottery, but otherwise all other methods of foreshadowing provide the reader with a strong feeling that something disturbing is going to occur.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Sobibor Revoltâ€Jewish Retaliation During Holocaust

The Sobibor Revolt- Jewish Retaliation During Holocaust Jews have often been accused of going to their deaths during the Holocaust like sheep to the slaughter, but this just wasnt true. Many resisted. However, the individual attacks and the individual escapes lacked the zest of defiance and craving for life that others, looking back in time, expect and want to see. Many now ask, why didnt the Jews just pick up guns and shoot? How could they let their families starve and die without fighting back? However, one must realize that resisting and revolting were just not this simple. If one prisoner were to pick up a gun and shoot, the SS would not just kill the shooter, but also randomly choose and kill twenty, thirty, even a hundred others in retaliation. Even if escaping from a camp were possible, where were the escapees to go? The roads were traveled by Nazis and the forests were filled with armed, anti-Semitic Poles. And during the winter, during the snow, where were they to live? And if they had been transported from the West to the East, they spoke Dutch or French - not Polish. How were they to survive in the countryside without knowing the language? Although the difficulties seemed insurmountable and success improbable, the Jews of the Sobibor Death Camp attempted a revolt. They made a plan and attacked their captors, but axes and knives were little match for the SSs machine guns. With all this against them, how and why did the prisoners of Sobibor come to the decision to revolt? Rumors During the summer and fall of 1943, the transports into Sobibor came less and less frequently. The Sobibor prisoners had always realized that they had been allowed to live only in order for them to work, to keep the death process running. However, with the slowing of the transports, many began to wonder whether the Nazis had actually succeeded in their goal to wipe out Jewry from Europe, to make it Judenrein. Rumors began to circulate- the camp was to be liquidated. Leon Feldhendler decided it was time to plan an escape. Though only in his thirties, Feldhendler was respected by his fellow inmates. Before coming to Sobibor, Feldhendler had been the head of the Judenrat in the Zolkiewka Ghetto. Having been at Sobibor for nearly a year, Feldhendler had witnessed several individual escapes. Unfortunately, all were followed by severe retaliation against the remaining prisoners. It was for this reason, that Feldhendler believed that an escape plan should include the escape of the entire camp population. In many ways, a mass escape was more easily said than done. How could you get six hundred prisoners out of a well-guarded, land mine-surrounded camp without having the SS discover your plan before it was enacted or without having the SS mow you down with their machine guns? A plan this complex was going to need someone with military and leadership experience. Someone who could not only plan such a feat but also inspire the prisoners to carry it out. Unfortunately, at the time, there was no one in Sobibor who fit both these descriptions. Sasha On September 23, 1943, a transport from Minsk rolled into Sobibor. Unlike most incoming transports, 80 men were selected for work. The SS were planning on building storage facilities in the now empty Lager IV, thus chose strong men from the transport rather than skilled workers. Among those chosen on that day was First Lieutenant Alexander Sasha Pechersky as well as a few of his men. Sasha was a Soviet prisoner of war. He had been sent to the front in October 1941 but had been captured near Viazma. After having been transferred to several camps, the Nazis, during a strip search, had discovered that Sasha was circumcised. Because he was Jewish, the Nazis sent him to Sobibor. Sasha made a big impression on the other prisoners of Sobibor. Three days after arriving at Sobibor, Sasha was out chopping wood with other prisoners. The prisoners, exhausted and hungry, were raising the heavy axes and then letting them fall on the tree stumps. SS Oberscharfà ¼hrer Karl Frenzel was guarding the group and regularly punishing already exhausted prisoners with twenty-five lashes each. When Frenzel noticed that Sasha had stopped working during one of these whipping frenzies, he said to Sasha, Russian soldier, you dont like the way I punish this fool? I give you exactly five minutes to split this stump. If you make it, you get a pack of cigarettes. If you miss by as much as one second, you get twenty-five lashes.1 It seemed an impossible task. Yet Sasha attacked the stump [w]ith all my strength and genuine hatred.2 Sasha finished in four and a half minutes. Since Sasha had completed the task in the allotted time, Frenzel made good on his promise of a pack of cigarettes - a highly prized commodity in the camp. Sasha refused the pack, saying Thanks, I dont smoke.3 Sasha then went back to work. Frenzel was furious. Frenzel left for a few minutes and then returned with bread and margarine - a very tempting morsel for all who are really hungry. Frenzel handed the food to Sasha. Again, Sasha refused Frenzels offer, saying, Thank you, the rations we are getting satisfy me fully.4 Obviously a lie, Frenzel was even more furious. However, instead of whipping Sasha, Frenzel turned and abruptly left. This was a first in Sobibor - someone had had the courage to defy the SS and succeeded. News of this incident spread quickly throughout the camp. Sasha and Feldhendler Meet Two days after the wood cutting incident, Leon Feldhendler asked that Sasha and his friend Shlomo Leitman come that evening to the womens barracks to talk. Though both Sasha and Leitman went that night, Feldhendler never arrived. In the womens barracks, Sasha and Leitman were swamped with questions - about life outside the camp...about why the partisans had not attacked the camp and freed them. Sasha explained that the partisans have their tasks, and no one can do our work for us.  5 These words motivated the prisoners of Sobibor. Instead of waiting for others to liberate them, they were coming to the conclusion that they would have to liberate themselves. Feldhendler had now found someone who not only had the military background to plan a mass escape, but also someone who could inspire confidence in the prisoners. Now Feldhendler needed to convince Sasha that a plan of mass escape was needed. The two men met the following day, on September 29. Some of Sashas men were already thinking of escape- but for just a few people, not a mass escape. Feldhendler had to convince them that he and others in the camp could help the Soviet prisoners because they knew the camp. He also told the men of the retaliation that would occur against the whole camp if even just a few were to escape. Soon, they decided to work together and information between the two men passed via a middle man, Shlomo Leitman, so as not to draw attention to the two men. With the information about the routine of the camp, layout of the camp, and specific characteristics of the guards and SS, Sasha began to plan. The Plan Sasha knew that any plan would be far-fetched. Even though the prisoners outnumbered the guards, the guards had machine guns and could call for back-up. The first plan was to dig a tunnel. They started digging the tunnel in the beginning of October. Originating in the carpentry shop, the tunnel had to be dug under the perimeter fence and then under the minefields. On October 7, Sasha voiced his fears about this plan - the hours at night were not sufficient to allow the entire camp population to crawl through the tunnel and fights were likely to flare-up between prisoners waiting to crawl through. These problems were never encountered because the tunnel was ruined from heavy rains on October 8 and 9. Sasha began working on another plan. This time it was not just a mass escape, it was a revolt. Sasha asked that members of the Underground start preparing weapons in the prisoner workshops- they began to make both knives and hatchets. Although the Underground had already learned that the camp commandant, SS Haupsturmfà ¼hrer Franz Reichleitner and SS Oberscharfà ¼hrer Hubert Gomerski had gone on vacation, on October 12 they saw SS Oberscharfà ¼hrer Gustav Wagner leaving the camp with his suitcases. With Wagner gone, many felt the opportunity ripe for the revolt. As Toivi Blatt describes Wagner: Wagners departure gave us a tremendous morale boost. While cruel, he was also very intelligent. Always on the go, he could suddenly show up in the most unexpected places. Always suspicious and snooping, he was difficult to fool. Besides, his colossal stature and strength would make it very difficult for us to overcome him with our primitive weapons.6 On the nights of October 11 and 12, Sasha told the Underground the complete plans for the revolt. The Soviet prisoners of war were to be dispersed to different workshops around the camp. The SS would be individually lured to the various workshops either by appointments to pick up finished products they had ordered like boots or by individual items that attracted their greed like a newly arrived leather coat. The planning took into consideration the Germans brashness and power-hungry mistreatment of the seemingly subdued Jews, their consistent and systematic daily routine, their unfaltering punctuality, and their greed.7 Each SS man would be killed in the workshops. It was important that the SS did not cry out when being killed nor any of the guards alerted that something unusual was happening in the camps. Then, all the prisoners would report as usual to the roll call square and then walk out together through the front gate. It was hoped that once the SS had been eliminated, the Ukrainian guards, who had a small supply of ammunition, would acquiesce to the revolting prisoners. The phone lines were to be cut early in the revolt so that the escapees would have several hours of fleeing time under the cover of darkness before back-up could be notified. Significant to the plan was that only a very small group of the prisoners even knew of the revolt. It was to be a surprise to the general camp population at roll call. It was decided that the following day, October 13, would be the day of revolt. We knew our fate. We knew that we were in an extermination camp and death was our destiny. We knew that even a sudden end to the war might spare the inmates of the normal  concentration camps, but never us. Only desperate actions could shorten our suffering and maybe afford us a chance of escape. And the will to resist had grown and ripened. We had no dreams of liberation; we hoped merely to destroy the camp and to die from bullets rather than from gas. We would not make it easy for the Germans.8 October 13 The day had finally arrived. Tension was high. In the morning, a group of SS arrived from the nearby Ossowa labor camp. The arrival of these additional SS not only increased the man power of the SS in the camp but could preclude the regular SS men from making their appointments in the workshops. Since the additional SS were still in the camp during lunchtime, the revolt was postponed. It was rescheduled for the following day - October 14. As the prisoners went to bed, many were afraid of what was to come. Esther Grinbaum, a very sentimental and intelligent young woman, wiped away her tears and said: Its not yet the time for an uprising. Tomorrow none of us will be alive. Everything will remain as it was - the barracks, the sun will rise and set, the flowers will bloom and wilt, but we will be no more. Her closest friend, Helka Lubartowska, a beautiful dark-eyed brunette, tried to encourage her: There is no other way. Nobody knows what the results will be, but one thing is sure, we will not be led to slaughter.9 October 14 The day had come. Excitement among the prisoners was so high that no matter what happened, the revolt could not be postponed, for the SS were sure to notice the change in mood in the prisoners. The few weapons that had been made were already handed out to those doing the killing. In the morning, they all had to try to look and act normal while waiting for the afternoon to come. NoonAll battle team commanders (the prisoners who were to actively participate in the revolt were broken up into battle teams of two to three persons each) had each individually met with Sasha for final instructions.Frenzel entered the carpentry shop and noticed one prisoner was wearing especially nice clothing. The inmate was wearing nice clothes in preparation for the revolt. Many other prisoners were wearing extra clothes as well as carrying extra food and valuables. Frenzel asked the prisoner if he was going to a wedding. 102:00 p.m.Something unusual happened. SS Unterscharfà ¼hrer Walter Ryba, armed with a submachine gun, came into Lager I and took four prisoners away with him. SS didnt usually carry such heavy weapons. Could he know about the planned revolt?3:00 to 4:00 p.m.Sasha found out that SS Ryba was only carrying the submachine gun because a Ukrainian guard had not also accompanied the prisoners.Many of the battle teams take their positions.My assignment was to liquidat e Scharfà ¼hrer Greischutz, who was in charge of the Ukrainian guard. I was happy for the opportunity given to me to kill a German. We had prepared axes, which we had sharpened in the smithy. We took up our position an hour earlier. At four oclock we were sitting in the rooms and waited.11 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.The killings began. (Though there are discrepancies in the accounts as to which SS officer was killed at what location, the following is a summary of the SS deaths.)Vorlager: Leon Feldhendler was stationed here to help orchestrate the revolt in this section of the camp.Unterscharfà ¼hrer Josef Wulf: Wulf was the first SS man killed during the revolt. Once he entered the storeroom, one prisoner offered him a coat and another helped him into it. While he was putting on the coat, two other prisoners hit him on the head with axes. Wulfs dead body was then hidden among piles of clothes and the blood was cleaned up.Steubel: Steubel was also lured into the storeroom and killed.Scharfà ¼hrer Vallaster: Killed during revolt; circumstances of death not known.Scharfà ¼hrer Kurt Beckman: While the attempt to lure Beckman to the storeroom for a new leather coat started successfully, on his way he abruptly turned around and went to his office. A little later, three prisoners we nt to Beckmans office where they surprised him and stabbed him with daggers. Since they did not have time to hide his body or clean up the blood, they left the body behind the desk.Unterscharfà ¼hrer Walter Ryba: Not part of the planned killings, Ryba entered the SS garage and was killed by a prisoner working there. Sasha worried that Rybas body, which was very close to the SS and Ukrainian living quarters, would be discovered.Lager I: Sasha Pechersky was stationed here to orchestrate the revolt in this section of the camp.Untersturmfà ¼hrer Josef Niemann: The acting commander of the camp rode up to the tailor shop on his chestnut horse, dismounted, and went inside. As he was being fitted for a new uniform, prisoners hit him on the back of the head with an  axe. His body was then dragged to the back room and his horse taken back to the stables.Oberscharfà ¼hrer  Goettinger: Head of Lager III, Goettinger was asked to try on a new pair of boots in the shoemakers shop. While tal king to the shoemaker, Goettingers head was smashed with an  axe.Scharfà ¼hrer Siegfried Greischutz: Head of the Ukrainian guard, Greischutz was killed once inside the Ukrainian tailor shop.Klat: Klat, a Ukrainian guard, entered the tailors shop looking for his boss, Greischutz (who had just been killed there). The tailors maneuvered Klat so that his back was to the back room. He was then attacked and killed.Scharfà ¼hrer Friedrich Gaulstich: Gaulstich was killed in the carpentry workshop. After 5:00 p.m.The prisoners had gathered as usual in the roll call area. At 5:10 p.m. - twenty minutes early for roll call - the roll call whistle was blown according to Sashas signal. Though Sasha was surprised at how well the plan had gone thus far, he realized that there could not be an orderly march through the front gate. Sasha stood up and addressed the assembled prisoners, saying something similar to Our day has come. Most of the Germans are dead. Lets die with honor. Remember, if anyone survives, he must tell the world what has happened here.12A Ukrainian guard discovered the body of Scharfà ¼hrer Beckman behind his desk and ran outside where SS men hear him yell, A German is dead! This alerted the rest of the camp to the revolt.The prisoners at the roll call square yell, Hurrah! Then it was every man and woman for themselves.Prisoners were running to the fences. Some were trying to cut them, others just climbed over. Yet, in most places, the minefield was still fully in pl ace.Suddenly we heard shots. In the beginning only a few shots, and then it turned into heavy shooting, including machine-gun fire. We heard shouting, and I could see a group of prisoners running with axes, knives, scissors, cutting the fences and crossing them. Mines started to explode. Riot and confusion prevailed, everything was thundering around. The doors of the workshop were opened, and everyone rushed through. . . . We ran out of the workshop. All around were the bodies of the killed and wounded. Near the armory were some of our boys with weapons. Some of them were exchanging fire with the Ukrainians, others were running toward the gate or through the fences. My coat caught on the fence. I took off the coat, freed myself and ran further behind the fences into the minefield. A mine exploded nearby, and I could see a body being lifted into the air and then falling down. I did not recognize who it was.13As the remaining SS were alerted to the revolt, they grabbed machine guns an d began shooting into the mass of people. The guards in the towers were also firing into the crowd.The prisoners were running through the minefield, over an open area, and then into the forest. It is estimated that about half the prisoners (approximately 300) made it to the forests. The Forest Once in the forests, the escapees tried to quickly find relatives and friends. Though they started off in large groups of prisoners, they eventually broke into smaller and smaller groups in order to be able to find food and to hide. Sasha had been leading one large group of about 50 prisoners. On October 17, the group stopped. Sasha chose several men, which included all the rifles of the group except one, and passed around a hat to collect money from the group to buy food. He told the group that he and the others he had chosen were going to do some reconnaissance. The others protested, but Sasha promised hed come back. He never did. After waiting for a long time, the group realized that Sasha was not going to come back, thus they split into smaller groups and headed off in different directions. After the war, Sasha explained his leaving by saying that it would have been impossible to hide and feed such a large group. But no matter how  truthful  this statement, the remaining members of the group felt bitter and betrayed by Sasha. Within four days of the escape, 100 of the 300 escapees were caught. The remaining 200 continued to flee and hide. Most were shot by local Poles or by partisans. Only 50 to 70 survived the war. Though this number is small, it is still much larger than if the prisoners had not revolted, for surely, the entire camp population would have been liquidated by the Nazis. Notes 1. Alexander Pechersky as quoted in Yitzhak Arad,  Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps  (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987) 307.2. Alexander Pechersky as quoted in Ibid 307.3. Alexander Pechersky as quoted in Ibid 307.4. Alexander Pechersky as quoted in Ibid 307.5. Ibid 308.6. Thomas Toivi Blatt,  From the Ashes of Sobibor: A Story of Survival  (Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1997) 144.7. Ibid 141.8. Ibid 139.9. Arad,  Belzec  321.10. Ibid 324.11. Yehuda Lerner as quoted in Ibid 327.12. Richard Rashke,  Escape From Sobibor  (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1995) 229.13. Ada Lichtman as quoted in Arad,  Belzec  331. 14. Ibid 364. Bibliography Arad, Yitzhak.  Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps.  Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1987. Blatt, Thomas Toivi.  From the Ashes of Sobibor: A Story of Survival. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1997. Novitch, Miriam.  Sobibor: Martyrdom and Revolt. New York: Holocaust Library, 1980. Rashke, Richard.  Escape From Sobibor. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1995.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Latino Crossings by Nicholas Degenova

Latino Crossings by Nicholas Degenova Free Online Research Papers Amongst one common group there are many smaller groups. These groups may carry many similar traits, but at the same time also possess differences that keep them arms length apart and maintaining beliefs that each hold of one another. Two groups in particular are Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. The two groups are closely examined in an area where they both immigrate to and quickly populate. The area of concentration is Chicago. We will take a closer look into the book Latino Crossings, by Nicholas De Genova and Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas. The examination interest is Mexican and Puerto Rican’s relationship with work. There are different aspects of this so I will serve you a sampler platter of what I find important and noteworthy. First impressions can last a lifetime, even generations. Latino Crossings opens its third chapter by touching on the subject of welfare and opportunities. â€Å" Through a stigmatization of â€Å"welfare dependency†, the U.S. citizenship of Puerto Ricans invariably came to be conflated with their racialized denigration as â€Å"lazy† lacking a good â€Å"work ethic†, and, in effect, being the kind of undeserving poor who were ultimately a liability to the U.S. nation. In this sense, many Mexican immigrants commonly constructed themselves in contradistinction to precisely these images as being â€Å"hardworking,† and capable of making do without having to ask for â€Å"handouts†- and so, implicitly subscribed to hegemonic stereotypes about the virtues of â€Å"good immigrant values.†Ã¢â‚¬  (Page 57) Here our first stop, we have our images of both groups. It is said that Puerto Ricans come to the U.S. with an advantage of welfare, only to use this to their full capacity. They are visualized as the lazy one’s because the mo ney is put on the table already. While on the other hand the Mexicans fall into a stereotype that is created for them by what they shouldn’t act or be like. When you need some work done in San Francisco, but you do not want to hire a contractor or professional, any native San Franciscan will tell you to head over to Army and Mission to pick up a coupla’ Mexicans for some great cheap labor. They’ll do whatever you need, yard work, painting, and roofing, amongst many other handy jobs. Just give em’ some lunch, and a decent cash pay when the work is done. There are exceptions to every rule right? It would be illogical for me to agree with the assumption that Puerto Rican’s are lazy based on the mere fact that they may be entitled to governmental aid. With this being said we can examine Carmen’s story. (Page 62) Carmen, a Puerto Rican woman who had 3 sons and was widowed, worked hard to support 3 growing boys, going through different jobs, no job, even public assistance. Seemingly distraught, Carmen held her head high and continued on her journey of strenuous work, only to receive minimal benefits, though she qualified for the maximum. This is a great example of hard work for a struggling mother, who stands against the expected. Realistically we must understand that there are more women like Carmen, men too, who strive to achieve ends meet for themselves or their family. For instance later in the chapter (page 79), Ramos-Zayas talks with an acquaintance from Humboldt Park, a neighborhood in Chicago. They discuss the liv ing experience of this individual in reference to the economic situation amongst Puerto Rican Chicagoans. In the new neighborhood it is noted that houses are nicer, people work because they want to, versus the prior area where many were on welfare. Possibly it is not that they are lazy but stuck in a vicious cycle of poverty. It becomes difficult to get oneself out of poverty, adolescents in the family sometimes get out of this as they grow, but these opportunities are sporadically available. Another issue that these two groups are supposedly opposite on is accomplishment. According to Ester Garcia, (Page 79) a beauty school owner, one of her students who was Mexican, had almost finished the program. Rather than waiting a few more weeks to become certified she went back to Mexico. Garcia notes though that in Mexico the certificate is not required to style hair, whereas in Puerto Rico it is. This difference will surely create some economic striations between the two groups. In the United States, certification is required, commonly one might find in home hair salons, where the individual may have experience with styling, but not actually have documentation, these folks usually have a clientele of family and close friends who receive a deal or â€Å"hook up† on the price. Simultaneously we have those who own or rent shops, have a full staff of experienced and certified workers. Prices are moderate to high, and tips are expected. Elsa Ayala, another colleague of Ramos- Zayas touched on the fact that Mexicans don’t know the system, this in reference to mine and Garcia’s outlook. It seems as if they have no set system and do not understand the concept of moving up. The notion that Puerto Rican’s are lazy, untrustworthy, and sneaky is present throughout the chapter. Ramos-Zayas speaks and meets with different people, who discuss their experiences. One Puerto Rican worker, while him and some classmates we taking a test, joked with a Mexican female classmate that she was cheating on the test. Her immediate response was, â€Å"What do you think, I’m Puerto Rican?† (Page 82) Here the student automatically feels discredited, and offended that one might think she does not do her own work, that she needs to look on with someone else, and perceives a Puerto Rican identity. In another instance two Mexican men talk about the way they were duped into health cub membership, by bilingual representatives who only gave them partial information. Their vision of these telephone representatives is that they are Puerto Rican. Interestingly enough I spoke with a few Latino’s of different country origin, and asked what they thought of Pu erto Rican’s? The majority of them answered with words like: lazy, scummy, broke, wanna-be Blacks, amongst many other choice words. They went on to tell me that on the contrary they felt Mexicans and Salvadorans were the most hardworking. It was quite interesting for me to get those types of answers. Aside from a few classes I am mostly unfamiliar with the Latino groups, I felt there might be more unity and similar values and ethics, which I have been proved otherwise. As mentioned earlier, there are exceptions to the rule. Some Puerto Rican’s are hardworking, like those of the new neighborhood where a colleague had moved. Similarly there may be Mexicans who are lazy, but the difference in values, understanding the workforce, will keep these two group miles apart. A question for me to think about is, what will happen for these groups in the future? How will they carry on or stand up to these stereotypes for which we all hold of them? It is hard to not be credited for something that you continuously do or act upon. Research Papers on Latino Crossings by Nicholas DegenovaThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresWhere Wild and West MeetAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementHip-Hop is ArtNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceMind TravelEffects of Television Violence on Children

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Make Metamucil Flubber (Recipe)

How to Make Metamucil Flubber (Recipe) This recipe makes the non-sticky sort of rubber or gelatinous slime that is known as flubber. The difficulty is average, but only takes about 15 minutes! Flubber Slime Ingredients 1 teaspoon Metamucil or similar soluble fiber8 ounces watermicrowave-safe bowlmicrowave ovenfood coloring (optional) How To Make Metamucil Flubber Mix 1 teaspoon of Metamucil with 1 cup (8 ounces) of water in a microwaveable bowl. You can add a drop or two of food coloring if you wish. Alternatively, you could add a little powdered drink mix or flavored gelatin to get color/flavor.Place bowl in the microwave and nuke on high for 4-5 minutes (actual time depends on microwave power) or until the goo is about to bubble out of the bowl. Turn off the microwave.Let the mixture cool slightly, then repeat step 3 (microwave until about to overflow). The more times this step is repeated the more rubbery the substance will become. The purpose of the cooling step is to check the consistency of the slime and prevent it from overflowing the container.After 5-6 microwave runs, (carefully - hot hot HOT) pour the flubber onto a plate or cookie sheet. A spoon can be used to spread it out.Allow to cool. There you have it! Non-stick flubber. A knife or cookie cutters may be used to cut the flubber into interesting shapes. The shapes will slowly me lt as the slime flows. Flubber can be stored at room temperature in a sealed baggie for several months. It will last indefinitely in a sealed bag in the refrigerator. Useful Tips If the flubber is sticky then the amount of water needs to be reduced. It should be clammy, but not sticky. Use less water next time.Please use adult supervision. Molten fluids and microwaves are involved!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Dying to be Thin Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dying to be Thin - Assignment Example old Erin, who starved herself, under the illusion that she was fat and ugly, even when she was way below her normal weight and at the verge of death due to malnutrition. In Chapter 6, Jennifer Schmid, who is a victim of another form of anorexia, is unable to balance diet and workout. She eats well but burns a lot more, while exercising, than what she is capable of consuming. And in Chapter 7, we see Anne Chavarro, who suffers from Bulimia, taking to purging to keep up with her binge eating habits. What surprised me the most, was the fact that these eating disorders possessed the power to make human beings capable of withstanding all emotional and physical hardships or of resorting to extremely unpleasant methods like purging or of even putting themselves through starvation which is the worst a human body could suffer, just to be extremely thin. The victims seemed only too pleased about having a disease which left them a subject of admiration, even if it came with a death warrant. Towards the end of Chapter 2, Dr. Joan Jacobs Brumberg, talks about cases of anorexia recorded in history, of women who lived hundreds of years ago. She opines that the common theme in those instances is that those women were using the appetite to express different things, depending upon their historical situation. In Chapter 1, we learn about how Katey Tracey starved herself in a desperate attempt to be accepted by her teacher as the best dancer in her group. Eleena Melamed, another ballet dancer, talks out in Chapter 5, about what led her to anorexia. Her story matches more or less with that of Katey Tracey. It could be said that they were expressing their need to be accepted and admired. Erin, who felt lonely and insecure when her mother had to stay away for a year, took to starvation, to become thin and look glamorous, in order to attract the attention of those around her. She also admits to have been sexually harassed, which added to her feeling of insecurity. Here, she is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Globalisation, International Trade and Marketing Essay

Globalisation, International Trade and Marketing - Essay Example Globalization trends have been different at various times of its evolution, allowing the observation of remarkable phases of evolution over time. The consideration of globalization process over the years, and the evaluation and assessment of the defining factors of globalization allow for the examination of past, present and future trends in globalization. Contemporary globalization takes a diverse and dynamic position, encompassing cultural, social, economic, political, technological and communication aspects. Origins of Contemporary Globalization Contemporary globalization is founded in human and social evolution, dating back to many centuries ago (Jain, 2011, p.10). The origin of modern time globalization can be traced by considering history of globalization throughout the years. The process can be said to have started right with the evolution of human societies. The multiplication and migration of human ancestors started between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago. At the time, hunting a nd gathering was the main survival practice. The multiplication of human life spread across the globe, aided by migration and settlement in new regions. Over the years to around 5,000 years ago, cultivation began and farming activities were evident in many natural environments around the world. Villages started developing and towns were being set up as a result. After the last ice age, agricultural revolution was experienced, marking a significant change in people’s life at the time (Jain, 2011, p.16). Need for exchange emerged, and trade resulted around 3,000 years ago. Tradable goods that included but not limited to artifacts and raw materials were exchanged. Global population growth was significantly rising, reaching one million people by this time. As a result, cultural, social and religious systems began to be realized. As high activity in all aspects of human life continued to be experienced, regional organizations were being realized. Growth and development of empires like Mesopotamia, Samarra, and Uruk emerged, and by 1AD, the entire world’s population approached 150 million people (Jain, 2011, p.19). With this increase in population, need for trade exacerbated. May social settings were not self-sufficient, leading to a scenario of interdependence among societies. Need for trade resulted in the establishment of trade routes around the world. 100 years after, major cities were emerging as trade centres, characterized by relatively high population in comparison to other settlement areas. Fifteenth Century marked a significant position for the current world phenomenon. This is the time that saw the development of the printing press in relatively developed societies of the world. A new world was therefore born, and global population hit 300 million people by this time. This and other major developmental aspects characterized the world until the 18th Century, when industrial revolution took place. Cultural, social, economic and political drive rs influenced the world, especially after the second revolution in agriculture. The global population was approaching a billion people. In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century (1880-1914), European empires had been fully integrated into the region’s set up, and world trade patterns were being re-organized and extended to integrate uncovered areas. By this time, the world population stood at approximately 1.6 billion people, with significant events in the 20th Century being World War I, Great

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Case study - Essay Example 2) If I was the CEO at Coca-Cola, I would respond to concerns about the company by assigning a marketing team to help restore the image of Coca-Cola. This team would focus on presenting a positive side of Coca-Cola to the news media and also follow up any complaints immediately. The emphasis would be to create a friendly image to the public that represents Coca-Cola’s ethics and values. 3) I think that the social work that Coca-Cola is doing is great because many people do not even realize that it is going on. Maybe Coca-Cola needs to focus more on gaining recognition for its charitable works. Their heart is sincere so I don’t think that they are doing it to simply â€Å"look good.† Things like HIV/AIDS really make a connection with the average everyday person because these issues are the types of problems that people continually face. If Coca-Cola can maintain its environmentally-friendly image, then the company’s success should be in no

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Analysis of Garys Hart Business Plan Assignment - 1

The Analysis of Garys Hart Business Plan - Assignment Example From information acquired, there are various benefits attached with budgeting or drawing a budget before starting a business organization. First, budgeting organizes business finances available. Drawing a budget helps highlight early warning signals for potential financial crisis likely to occur in carrying on with the business (Bernard 2002, p250). For instance, with a budget, Gary will have guidelines for paying bills and immediate alerts in case there occurs overspendings. Setting up a budget is also a way of opening up communication between Gary and his employees, especially those who will be working in the finance department. This ensures both the entrepreneur and employees are working towards a common goal that keeps them focused. It also involves all employees by teaching them to be responsible and holding on to accountability. This is because the owner already has the estimation of the outcome to expect and any adverse result calls for explanation and accountability form the person in charge. Drawing a budget before starting up a business offers one an opportunity for Gary to make informed decision on spending at any given time. Since Gary will be in a position to determine where his financial stand is, budgeting offers him with chances to take advantage of prospects that he may miss if he had not drawn any budget. With a budget, an entrepreneur will never have to guess since form the beginning, he will have definite knowledge whether he has start up finances or not. It is with the help of a budget that an entrepreneur focuses on financial goals of an organization (Steven, Roby & Gregory 2009, p329). A budget helps one come up with definite objectives that one should focus on. Budgets are usually drawn with the entrepreneur’s motivations in mind. For this case, Gary may be motivated by the fact that he wants to start and run a successful restaurant in the region. Preparing a budget saves time when one is dealing with some transactions. The time s aved can be used in dealing with other transactions.  

Biochemistry Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biochemistry - Assignment Example Glutamate transmits quick and precise signal in the primary significant sensory and motor tracts. It also makes numerous connections between various parts of the cerebral cortex that forms the network responsible for high mental functioning (Broda 66). Gamma- Aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid synthesized from glutamate by an enzyme known as the glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). The dominant inhibitory transmitter exists in almost all parts of the nervous system. In addition,GABA acts as a presynaptic inhibitory transmitter in many circumstances.GABA plays a key role in the development of the nervous system, and it occurs in the early stages even before the establishment of the synapses. Once the synapses begin to occur, GABA plays a role as an excitatory transmitter as it depolarizes the postsynaptic neuron. Therefore, GABA is likely to be the first excitatory transmitter that shape neuronal networks before glutamate took over as the key excitatory transmitter (Dishman, O’Connor, &Tomporowski

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Analysis of Garys Hart Business Plan Assignment - 1

The Analysis of Garys Hart Business Plan - Assignment Example From information acquired, there are various benefits attached with budgeting or drawing a budget before starting a business organization. First, budgeting organizes business finances available. Drawing a budget helps highlight early warning signals for potential financial crisis likely to occur in carrying on with the business (Bernard 2002, p250). For instance, with a budget, Gary will have guidelines for paying bills and immediate alerts in case there occurs overspendings. Setting up a budget is also a way of opening up communication between Gary and his employees, especially those who will be working in the finance department. This ensures both the entrepreneur and employees are working towards a common goal that keeps them focused. It also involves all employees by teaching them to be responsible and holding on to accountability. This is because the owner already has the estimation of the outcome to expect and any adverse result calls for explanation and accountability form the person in charge. Drawing a budget before starting up a business offers one an opportunity for Gary to make informed decision on spending at any given time. Since Gary will be in a position to determine where his financial stand is, budgeting offers him with chances to take advantage of prospects that he may miss if he had not drawn any budget. With a budget, an entrepreneur will never have to guess since form the beginning, he will have definite knowledge whether he has start up finances or not. It is with the help of a budget that an entrepreneur focuses on financial goals of an organization (Steven, Roby & Gregory 2009, p329). A budget helps one come up with definite objectives that one should focus on. Budgets are usually drawn with the entrepreneur’s motivations in mind. For this case, Gary may be motivated by the fact that he wants to start and run a successful restaurant in the region. Preparing a budget saves time when one is dealing with some transactions. The time s aved can be used in dealing with other transactions.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Joint Venture between the Government and Business in Africa Term Paper

Joint Venture between the Government and Business in Africa - Term Paper Example The company has engaged in many social and economic activities that have benefited the country and the citizens. This includes the construction of roads, hospitals and schools. This has helped in growth of the economy and improvement of the living standards as the per capita income has grown from $80 to $6000 per year. In its early years of its operations, after the discovery of the diamonds, De Beers operated, as a monopoly by regulating diamond supply, which meant the price of diamonds, remained high. After sometime, De Beers realized that they could not control the market anymore. The company was forced to stock enormous amounts of diamonds when the demand for the diamond was extremely low. The company also discovered that they could not control the discovery of diamonds in the entire world. For instance, Canada refused to join the cartel that De Beers had formed. The change of policy was also largely influenced by the unfavorable image created by blood diamonds. Rebels in the nei ghboring countries would force civilians to extract the diamonds and sell them off in order to get money to purchase weapons. The company’s change of focus changed from scheming the supplying the diamonds to a moderate policy of marketing and selling the diamonds already in their stores. This focus helped in creating demand rather than controlling the supply. The company still maintained a significant market control through selling the diamonds to traders who were willing to conform to the laws of the land and regulations set by De Beers. This helped to create an environment to conduct business in a more ethical manner. The construction of the Kimberly process in Gaberone ensured that all the sold diamonds were mined legally. This helped in diminishing the blood diamond issue, which was used to finance wars across Africa. This also helped to restore the reputation of the company, which had been eroded by the blood diamond issue. (JOE NOCERA, Diamonds) The success story of thi s joint venture between De Beers and the government of Botswana has worked because the Botswana government believes in democracy and encourages economic growth in the country. The government also saw the partnership as a way to improve the living standards of the citizens in the country. For this type of partnership to flourish, the government must have the will to improve for the benefit of the common citizens. The company had previously attempted to work in partnership with other countries and government but, it did not work due to corruption in those countries. Since Botswana attained its independence, she has always remained democratic and free state. Here, the leaders in the government are sincere and intelligent. This is the rationale as to why the joint venture has been of help to the Botswana citizens. We can therefore hardly compare Botswana leaders with other African leaders who only enhance their selfish interests. Many African leaders accept money from foreigners in orde r for foreigners to extract the country’s resources without benefiting the people of that country. WTO trade negotiations over farm subsidies The government of United States has for many years partnered with private businesses in the country. Among the common partners are the farming industries. They enjoy many subsidies from the government each year. The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established after the World War II. Its main role was to regulate and create an economic order where all

Monday, October 14, 2019

Adlerian Theory Essay Example for Free

Adlerian Theory Essay Introduction and Rationale School counselors work with students in academic development, social and emotional skill development, and college/career development. Their work supports student success through education in these domains, improvement of skills, reduction of stress, and improvement in mental health functioning. As I read the article, School Counseling Outcome: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Interventions, I couldn’t help but realize the importance of continued research on the effectiveness of school counseling interventions. This article focuses on the effectiveness of an array of school counseling interventions and not solely on individual and group counseling. The primary aim of this research was to review various literature pieces that relate to school counseling and identify their outcome and implications to the practice of school counseling. In this study, Meta-analysis 1 involved treatment control comparisons and Meta-analysis 2 involved pretest-posttest differences. The overall average weighted effect size for school counseling interventions was .30. The study examined whether relevant moderator variables influenced effect sizes. See more:  Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The pretest-posttest size was not significant, so moderator analyses were conducted on treatment control comparisons. Analyses of moderator variables indicated school counseling program activities or interventions varied in effectiveness Strengths and Weaknesses A meta-analysis of school counseling outcome research found an overall effect size of .30. Students who participated in the interventions improved almost a third of the standard deviation more than their peers who did not receive the interventions. In other words, school counseling interventions have a larger effect size than aspirin for preventing heart attacks (ES of .06) and an equivalent effect size to sertoline (Zoloft) compared to placebo, for  treating major depressive disorder (ES of .31). (Whiston Quimby, 2009). The use of meta-analysis offers some weakness on the research which is actually a common thing for meta-analytic researches. This results from the fact that the effect size’s quality is dependant on the quality of research and accuracy. Sampling inaccurate of ineffective research cases may also render the meta-analytic research weak due to the weakness of the researches sampled. The meta-analytic research may also be stronger due to the fact that it samples a mean of similar variables under various researches and thus providing an average that is a true representative of all researches. In order to improve the meta-analytic exercise it is good to first make an analysis of the article and ensure that they are classified appropriately and their content has high validity so that they may not negatively affect the analysis (Sexton, L.T., Whiston, S., 1998). Summary of Research Outcome A meta-analysis of school counseling research (117 studies, 153 school counseling interventions, and 16, 296 students) found an overall effect size of .30. The authors found that students who participated in school counseling interventions tended to score on various outcome measures about a third of a standard deviation above those who did not receive the interventions. School counseling interventions produced quite large effect sizes in the areas of discipline, problem-solving, and increasing career knowledge. The effect sizes were smaller, but significant, related to school counseling interventions’ impact on academic achievement. Surprisingly little school counseling research was found related to individual counseling. Concerning guidance curriculum, small groups were more effective than interventions that involved entire classrooms. Outcome research reflects that group counseling can be effective with students who are experiencing problems and difficulties. Applying this Research to Practice School counselors can improve the climate in their schools. They can also draw from a vast array of interventions that will help students increase  their academic achievement (Brown, 1999). One intervention that has been used for more than a quarter of a century is behavioral contracts. Behavioral contracts must have specific objectives, set attainable short-term goals, be monitored regularly, allow for immediate reinforcement, and be adjusted when they are not promoting the desired change. Other direct interventions frequently employed by school counselors include study skills groups, time management training, classroom guidance units aimed at improving test taking skills, and achievement motivation groups. Achievement motivation groups are led by the counselor, but involve input from the teachers and support for increased achievement from the students in the group. When students have educational and career goals, they do better in school. Counselors can facilitate the development of educational and personal goals by engaging students in individual and group activities that focus on goal setting. Some school counselors routinely ask students about interests, educational plans, and occupational goals and record these in their portfolios as one way of emphasizing the importance of goal setting. Research supports what educators have long understood: parent involvement is an important factor in student achievement (Brown, 1999). Parents who have a high level of commitment to their children, set high standards, maintain a stable home environment, and support achievement, have children who do better in school. Counselors can involve parents through parent consultation, parent education classes that teach parents how to support their children in schools as well as parenting skills, and by advocating for parents and students when students are not treated fairly by the educational establishment. They can also help keep the parents of children who are having difficulty in school apprised of their children’s progress by encouraging teachers to communicate more frequently with parents than once per grading period. Conclusion School counselors are under pressure to assist in the effort to increase student achievement. They can respond to this challenge by working to improve the school climate, using direct interventions such as teaching study skills and involving students in achievement motivation groups, and by increasing the involvement of parents in the educational process. As our culture and educational institutions change, school counseling practices are emerging to better meet the needs of today’s students. Resources Brown, D (1999). Proven strategies for improving learning and academic achievement. Greensboro, NC: CAPS Publications Sexton, L.T., and Whiston, S.C. (1998). A review of school counseling outcome research: Implications for practice. Journal of Counseling and Development volume 76, issue number pp 412-426. Whiston Quinby (2009). Review of school counseling research. Psychology in the Schools 46(3), 267-272. Schatzberg Nemeroff (2009). Textbook of Pyschopharmacology. Arlington, VA: The American Psychiatric Publisher. Whiston, Susan C; Wendi, Lee Tai; Rahardja, Daryn; Eder, Kelly. Journal of Counseling and Development. Winter 2011. Vol. 89. Issue 1, p. 37-55.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Principles Of Additive Manufacturing

Principles Of Additive Manufacturing Additive manufacturing (AM) is a general term for all technologies that produce parts by layer addition of material at the micron level, to achieve the required shape, besides of metal removal technique which is traditional subtractive process. During research period, AM the layer by layer manufacturing terminology has been standardised by the American society for testing and materials (ASTM) committee F42 on additive layer technologies. In the beginning AM technologies were restricted because of commonly accepted leading name Rapid prototyping (RP) for the production of parts and prototypes, which was the term used for many years to describe all layer additive manufacturing processes. Advancement in the material, process and system hardware cleared that the parts could be manufactured with an adequate mechanical property to let for further applications. This allowed the production of end use models with layer additive technologies, so rapid manufacturing (RM) was adopted which distinguish the functional nature of the models produced from the prior RP parts and prototypes. Recently AM is used generally and RM and RP are only use to illustrate the particular application of AM technologies. 1.2.1: Principles of Additive Manufacturing AM technologies fabricate models by fusing, sintering or polymerisation of materials in predetermined layers with no needs of tools. AM makes possible the manufacture of complex geometries including internal part detail that are approximately not possible to manufacture using machining and moulding processes, because process does not require predetermined tool paths, draft angles and under cuts. In AM the layers of a model are formed by slicing CAD data with professional software. All AM system work on the same principle; however, layer thickness depend upon parameters and machine being used and thickness of layer range from 10Â µm up to 200Â µm. Layers are clearly visible on the part surface in AM operation, which controls the quality of final product. The relation between thickness of layer and surface orientation is known as staircase effect. However, thinner the layer is the longer the processing time and higher the part resolution. Layers in AM are built up at the top of the previous one in z axis. After layer gets processed the work platform is dropped down by the single layer thickness in z axis and the fresh material layer is recoated differently for number of other methods. In resin based system traversing edge flatten the resin, in powder based system deposited powder is spread using roller or wiper, in some system the material is deposited through a nozzle which deposits the required material. Because recoating time is even longer than the layer processing time. For that sake multiple parts are building together in the time of single material recoating build. Different softwares are available to position and orient part so that maximum number of parts can be built together. Available softwares are VISCAM RP and Smart Space used in MAGICS. Some delicate parts produced through AM technologies need a support structure to hold the part in work platform during the build process. All AM machine uses different support structure that are designed from specific material for effective use of build parts. Commonly used support structures are thin small pointed teeth to minimising the part contact so that they can be removed easily with the hand tools. 1.3: Rapid Prototyping Rapid prototyping processes are a relatively recent development, accurately described as layer manufacturing processes. The first commercial RP machine was released at the AUTOFACT show in Detroit (USA) in November 1987 by the company named 3D systems. The process begins with creating a 3D model using CAD software and it is identical for all built techniques. The model is then convert in to Standard Triangulation Language (STL) format, this format shows the 3D surfaces as an assembly of many planner triangles. At next stage STL file slice the 3D model in to layers. As we know the additive manufacturing is gradual process in which parts are manufactures through layers and each layers are joined and process continues until the final part formed. Post processing is usually required to improve the surface finish of the product. RPs additive nature allows is to create parts with complicated internal features which is not possible by other means like hollow areas and undercuts for that these parts sometimes supports are necessary. (palm, W. (1998, May). Rapid Prototyping primer. Retrieved November 4, 2010, from Learing factory Rapid prototyping home page: RP products often have low functionality and commonly used as a visual aids with in product development. However material selection decide the prototype testing for short term functionality parts. Most of the RP materials are polymer based, which is for limited part functionality. Although for little part functionality paper and starch based materials are used. RP modernised the product development with an ability to produce single and multiple physical models, facilitating the reduction of product development cycle time ranging for different industries. 1.3.1: Rapid prototyping technologies There is a huge number of experimental RP technologies either in development or used by small groups of individuals. RP techniques those are currently commercially available including: Stereolithography (SLA) is the first RP technique developed by 3D systems in 1987. SLA builds single layer at a time by tracing beam of laser on the vat of liquid UV curable photo polymer resin. UV light strikes the surface of the polymer resin and solidify the single layer of resin, when one layer is cured the built platform is dropped down by single layer thickness (Schmitt, Q. L. (2005). Rapid prototyping in dentistry: technology and application. Rapid prototyping in dentistry: technology and application , 11-13,42,44). A resin filled blade sweeps over the cross section and fill it with fresh material for further curing at the top of the previous layer, process continues until the model is produced. Material self adhesive property bond each layer and form a complete 3D model, fabricated part is cleaned in dawanol resin, alcohol and then cured in a UV oven. (wikipedia. (2010). wikipedia free encyclopedia. Retrieved November 1, 2010, from wikipedia web site: wiki/stereolithography) Selective laser sintering (SLS) uses powdered materials. This is one of the systems major advantages that a part could be built in any fusible powdered material. SLS technology was developed in Texas University, which was commercialized in 1993 by company named DTM. In 2001 the DTM were bought out by 3D systems. ( This technology works by selectively sintering fine powder materials directly using an infrared (IR) laser from CAD. Numbers of thermoplastic materials are processed in SLS like nylon (polyamide) for rapid tooling application, aluminium filled nylon, polystyrene for sacrificial pattern in investment casting and gas filled nylon. Part produced through this process used as functional model as well as visual prototypes because of good mechanical properties. However as compared to traditional tool steel the part had poor mechanical properties, so material required post processing to form dense models, thus it was very difficult to control the part accuracy because of introduced stresses in processing stage. With the combination of EOS GmbH and Electrolux a special alloy powder was developed, which did not develop shrinkage distortions. Moreover introduction of fibre laser technology allowed the introduction of Selective laser melting (SLM) since the fibre laser allowed the sintering of metals that were completely melted in to dense part with no need of post process infiltration. Numbers of other technologies have been commercialised since 1991 such as laminated object manufacturing (LOM), fused deposition modelling (FDM), 3 dimensional printing (3DP). Recent technological availability of RP is increased with material diversity, which increased the efficiency of creating physical prototype in advanced product development. 1.4: Definition of Rapid Manufacturing Firstly, it is essential to give a definition of rapid manufacturing. The way that several parts are manufactured will change in the future. RM has been explained as the use of a CAD-based automated AM process to construct parts that are used directly as finished products or components (Hopkinson et al. 2006, p. 1) Since with the time change, the research on AM technologies and materials has advanced and the feasibility of fabrication of functional, low volume parts are increasingly in many industries. Many industries are examining the available technology and investigating the possibilities of design to increase the high functional component and to reduce product to market time. A key benefit of RM approach claimed that it proposes the opportunity of mass customization, however can be cost effective for individual short run part, clearing conventional designing constraints of manufacturing processes. RM greatly minimised wastage of raw material as compared to subtractive process, so got popular in aerospace industry, where expensive metal alloys are extensively used. The grade material such as titanium, ABS, nylon and aluminium has been the important part in the progress of RM technologies. ( The introduction of RM is not as simple as it first appears, although research in RM technologies and application are progressed by RP. The evolution is still in progress to link RM from research to actual manufacturing for that number of matters to be addressed that prevail need explanation and consensus before it can happen. RP produced prototype were not considered for product repeatability and quality measures. Since products of RM have proposed functionality, industrial certification and the requirements include material control, accuracy, speed, surface finish and part repeatability, so that RM is successfully applied in many industries including medical, automotive and aerospace to produce low quantity of small, high value parts with complex geometries that is difficult through conventional methods. ( In future, RM technology addition in industries can offer small complex design feature parts that ever imagined with great manufacturing facilities and the extension of approach. Development of advanced materials and equipment enable the fabrication of complex product by directly manipulating the matters on a molecular scale. 1.5: Selective laser melting (SLM) 1.5.1: SLM background Selective laser melting machine was first introduced by Fockele and Schwarze (FS) of Germany in 1999 with the support of Fraunhofer institute of laser technology that was steel powder based SLM machine. Later in 2004 first SLM machine named Realizer 250 SLM was released commercially after FS coped up with MTT (MCP tooling technologies) and in 2005 high resolution machine named SLM Realizer 100 was released. Since the release of the MCP Realizer SLM, other manufacturer such as Concept laser and EOS released machine with different process named Laser curing and Direct metal laser sintering respectively. Concept laser (GmbH) first released M3 Liner and M1 Cusing in 2001, later they released another machine named M2 Cusing to produce reactive materials like titanium and aluminium alloys. EOS released the machine named EOSINT M 270 DMLS in 2003 and termed as the most common machine for direct metal fabrication. In 2008 MTT and 3D systems proclaimed a distribution agreement for the rights to distribute SLM machines in Americas and Japan. In 2008-09 new version of SLM was released by MTT named SLM 250 and SLM 125. 1.5.2: Basic principles of SLM SLM is a powder based additive manufacturing process that permits attaining 3D functional parts from a CAD data. SLM follows the same process route as SLS, where complete melting of powder occurs instead of sintering or partial melting. Process begins with the deposition of thin layer of powder thickness ranging from 50Â µm to 75Â µm across a substrate platform. A high power fibre laser scans the powder surface, the generated heat melt the powder particles and form molten pool. Once the layer has been scanned, the platform drops down by single layer thickness in z axis and the fresh layer of powder is deposited and the process is repeated until the entire built is completed. Loose powders are removed once the fully dense part is complete. SLM parts must be completed in inert gas atmosphere such as argon to remove oxygen from the building chamber. Supports like thin teeth shaped are needed to secure hanging features due to shrinkage of material solidification. The substrate is removed from the build chamber once the process gets complete and supports are removed carefully. SLM termed as the most viable techniques for direct fabrication of complex featured part of metals. SLM can permit the design optimization and production of the complex functionalities beyond the capabilities of traditional techniques, which is possible because of accuracy, versatility and the laser beam spot size. The small laser spot size minimizes the area to be melt enabling the manufacturing the part of high resolution. However, to be positioned SLM in RM category as a general method to achieve greater recognition in companies, methods and development need to be changed to perform and prove itself as being reliable, repeatable and cost effective production process. SLM also known as freeform fabrication process and capable to build thin wall complex features models of high resolution and extends its capabilities than the conventional processes such as customised medical implant especially dental crown and bridge frame work, tooling inserts with conformal cooling channel and functional models. SLM concerns primarily turn around the application of high powered fibre laser to generate high temperature to completely melt the powder, surface roughness is the main concerns of SLM because of high heat input causes material vaporisation and generation of spatter that subjected by melting and re-solidifying. But SLM parts cover committed microstructure parts and material properties that make possible this technique for the application. Benefits of SLM: Parts produced in this process are nearly 100% dense and have same mechanical strength as the original material Almost no powder material is wasted, the loose powders which was not solidified can be reused SLM offers minimum time to market, exact shape generation without an expansive moulds, process flexibility and great utilization of material SLM powder bed technology permits cheap and fast powder metallurgy. The alloys to be tested can utilized straightly with in the prototyping apparatus and alloys can easily accustomed with the change of elemental ratio of powders Drawbacks of SLM: SLM is regarded as the high temperature gradient, which causes thermal stress build up and rapid solidification so coarse to grainy surface finished parts are produced The inadequate availability of some materials in powder form restricts the range of material for processing. Process should be optimised for available material (Selective laser melting, 10 December;, accessed on 25/5/2011 and, accessed on 26/5/2011) 1.5.3: SLM materials SLM technology worked with all possibly relevant metals for part production. Process starts with identifying the physical behaviour of material being used with microscopic level of process understanding. In order to develop technique, the main quality aspect of parts being produced includes surface roughness, high functional strength, accuracy, density, hardness, residual stresses have to be observed before applied for the industrial applications. SLM system always develops parts with variety of materials and new ranges in which material property is easily changed with the property requirement with changing the mixture ratio. The range of materials are used that improved the new work powders such as tool steel, stainless steel, titanium alloy, aluminium alloy, cobalt chrome and inconel. ( Materials are described below according to property, alloy and applications: ( Titanium: Mechanical properties: High strength, low thermal expansion, high corrosion resistance, excellent machinability and bio compatibility and low weight. Alloys: Pure titanium, Ti-6Al-7Nb and Ti-6Al-4V Applications: Medical implants, jewellery and design, F1 motor sport and aerospace Cobalt chrome: Mechanical properties: High strength, excellent corrosion resistance and bio compatibility and high toughness Alloy: CoCr ASTM F75 Applications: medical implant, dental and high temperature Stainless steel, tool steel: Mechanical properties: High toughness, hardness and corrosion resistance and excellent machinability Alloys: 316L stainless steel, H13 tool steel, 17-4PH, 50CrMo4, CrNiMo 13-4 and M333 Applications: medical implants, spindle and screws, plastic injection moulds and maritime Aluminium: Mechanical properties: Excellent alloying properties and processability and low density Alloys: Al-Si-10Mg, Al-Si-12Mg, Al-Si9-Cu3, Al-Si-7Mg and Al-Mg4 Applications: Aerospace, automotive, consumer goods Inconel: Mechanical properties: Good mechanical strength, excellent corrosion resistance, outstanding welding ability and good creep rapture strength up to 700C Alloys: Inconel 718 and Inconel 625 Applications: Aerospace, gas turbines, space shuttle and crafts, nuclear reactors and rocket motors Integration of SLM in production systems: Process chain Function SLM process chain Part Finish (Machining) Part Design Process Strategy Process Control Process Preperation Designed for optimized Part orientation built strategy online defect Interface for Functionality (quality/ build time) -built parameters detention machining (light, weight, -support structure -under cuts etc -close loop control energy efficient etc ) (, accessed on 30/5/2011) SLM machines: SLM50 Realizer: Worlds first SLM desktop machine to produce quickly and extremely accurately manufacture functional dental parts based on CAD data. It is well appropriate for dental laboratories and similar environments for the production of bridge and crown frame and brackets. This machine is capable to produce 100 parts/ months. SLM50 designed a component with height up to 40mm and diameter up to 60mm. ( SLM50 specifications Construction volume Platform diameter 70 mm, max. construction height 40 mm Thickness of layers 20-50 ÃŽÂ ¼m Laser type Fibre laser 20 to 120 W Power supply 16A, 230V Power consumption 1.0 KW Argon consumption approx. 30 Liter/h Dimensions W800 x D700 x H500 mm Weight approx. 80 kg Software ReaLizer Control Software Materials Cobalt Chrome, Stainless Steel 316 L, gold-, silver-, palladium-, titanium alloys ( ( SLM100 Realizer: Machines capability to design a component with 100mm high cylindrical construction area with 125mm diameter, because of the dropped laser spot size to 20Â µm. The machine can produce parts with delicate features, high surface quality and maximum wall thickness. SLM100 is appropriate for dental laboratories or related environments. SLM100 specifications Construction volume Platform diam. 125 mm Max. overall constr. height 100 mm Layer thicknesses 20-100 ÃŽÂ ¼m Laser type Fibre laser 20 to 200 W Power supply 16A, 400V Power input 1.5 kW Argon consumption app. 35 l/h Dimensions W900 x D800 x H2400 mm, SLM100A additional display support arm Weight 500 kg Software ReaLizer control software Materials Tool steel H 13, titanium, titanium V4, aluminium, cobalt chrome, stainless steel 316 L, Inconel, Gold, ceramic materials under development ( ( SLM125: The SLM125 machine presented with a range of laser from 100-200W with 30mm laser spot size diameter. This machine is capable to built pattern geometries of 200Â µm. Surface finish is controlled by laser scan approach, however build speed and surface finish is majorly depends on material that to be processed such as tool steel take more time than the aluminium and titanium. For fully dense part the both parameters surface finish and build speed should range from 15-30Â µm and 5-200cm3/hr respectively. ( This machine has been designed for the simplicity to the users with in a industry with touch screen features, which cleans down the process. Robustness of the machine has given precedence to the adopters. The recoater blade used in this system is soft and carefully designed to reduce consumable cost by rotating same blade many times before replacement, and low filter element causes low gas consumption, results machine reliable and minimum in cost to users. SLM125 specifications Construction volume 125mm x 125mm x 125mm (x,y,z) Layer thicknesses 20 to 100ÃŽÂ ¼m Laser type Fibre laser 100-200 W Power supply 16A, 400V Power input Argon consumptionm Dimensions Weight Software ReaLizer control software Materials Tool steel H13, titanium , titanium V4, aluminium, cobalt chrome, stainless steel 316 L, Inconel ( MTT SLM25 ( SLM250: This machine measures construction area of 250ÃÆ'-250ÃÆ'-250mm. The space in the processing area can be used to produce maximum number of parts with loading numerous parts at the top of each other. SLM250 is equipped with high power laser up to 400W with an automated filter machine to remove and recycle loose powders from the processing area. High part output makes it appropriate for industrial manufacturing process. SLM250 specifications Construction volume 250 x 250 mm , maximum construction height 220 mm Layer thicknesses 20-100 ÃŽÂ ¼m Laser type Fibre laser 100, 200 or 400 W Power supply 16 A, 400 V Power input 2.5 kW Argon consumption app. 70 litres/h Dimensions W1800 x D1000 x H2200 mm w/o sieving machine Weight 800 kg Software ReaLizer control software Materials Tool steel H13, titanium , titanium V4, aluminium, cobalt chrome, stainless steel 316 L, Inconel ( ( D1: ( D2: ( D3: ( SLM 125 machine run: SLM 125 machine operated in the following manner: Turn on from the back- MTT 125 screen showed up- Tap on the screen- Login with the user name MTT2- Tap light (light opens)- Tap to open the door- hold reset and open the door Wiper reset: Tap to wiper and elevator on the screen- find wiper home- tap to substrate and set thickness to 0- press Esc- hold reset and open the door. Tap to wiper and elevator- find wiper home- Go to FWD POS- then unscrew the wiper arm from both ends To draw material holder or wiper tension: unscrew both the nuts placed at the ends with pressing at the top. Attach back both the wiper tension and wiper arm to their respective positions- shut the door Before placing the platform in the machine , first measure the base plate with vernier calliper then Tap to wiper and elevator- find wiper home- tap at substrate and set the thickness to 14.5- tap at table auto (it will built)- Tap at set datum- find table home. Go again- substrate set to 0- Go to top POS- Tap at Go to Centre to position wiper at the centre C:UsersP10507465DesktopWiper_tension[1].JPG Lift wiper and place paper then tight it. Clockwise rotation of screw to loose and anticlockwise to tight it. Later paper is removed. Just ensure that you should put the same pressure during screwing. After setting the wiper arm at the paper sheet thickness- close the door- tap to wiper and elevator- find wiper home To clean filter assembly: Remove both caping placed at the top and bottom and do not forget to remove the rings- unbolt the holder- remove the filter (twist and draw)- clean the chamber- push filter to attach- bolt it C:UsersP10507465DesktopFilter_Assy.JPGC:UsersP10507465DesktopFilter_removal.JPG Tap to wiper and elevator- find wiper home- set datum- Dose to 3- Go to FWD POS- open with holding reset button. Close the door- find wiper home- Esc- select- auto (safe change filter valve- yes)- auto operation starts- click ok- Isolate change filter- confirm. Operation or part building starts and it logged out automatically after finishing the operation Login again with user name MTT2- tap to wiper and elevator- find wiper home- Go to up- Esc- open the door Cleaning: Slowly remove the powder with the brush- later hover it to clean properly. Unscrew the base plate- Brush again not to waste powder. Close the door- wiper elevator- find wiper home- Go to FWD POS- Esc- open the door holding reset button Unscrew the wiper plate and clean- the red strip on the wiper arm turns black at worked portion means damaged. Unscrew material holder- brush the machine to restore loose powder to the holes (for titanium cleaning is really important) Over flow cleaning: Unscrew loose powder holder underneath the platform. Put screw at close position and turn around to unscrew it to recover loose powders- screw it and place it in desired place including rings and caping Set wiper back at the position to clean lense- unscrew it and clean it with proper handling Dental suprastructure The manufacturer is also is involved in the dental industry, for which the company manufactures products such as implant-supported suprastructures. Using patient-specific geometry data, acquired through medical imaging or 3-D scanning, the personalised structure is designed in software and printed in titanium. As a concluding step, the dental technician finishes off the structure and completes the final prothesis. Through patented DentWise technology, geometry and surface retention related limitations set by traditionally moulded or milled suprastructures no longer apply. Through digital SLM technology, geometry and surface retention related limitations set by traditionally moulded or milled suprastructures no longer apply, Mercelis says. In addition, the implant connections are completed with high precision. Implant bars and bridges achieve a fit accuracy better than 20 Â µm at the implant interface. They also can integrate complex surface textures and sealing edges. DentWise suprastructures are manufactured using ultra-strong titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V, grade V), which outperforms the commonly used titanium grade II in terms of mechanical propertie (